- General rules -
No inappropriate nicknames and profile pictures. This includes (but is not limited to) sexually explicit or offensive content)

No blank (or unreadable) nicknames / profile pictures

Bugs/exploits/glitches/hacks/etc will be met with a ban.

(Moderators reserve the right to use their own discretion regardless of any rule)
(Moderators reserve the right to change nicknames)

If you feel any changes should be made to this platform, pm any mod or the admin

Do not ask for the moderator/admin role.

Mentioning the moderators/admins and/or the developer, unless serious support is needed, is forbidden.

No inappropriate / offensive content
This includes (but is not limited to:) Explicit / pornographic / NSFW content, illegal content, piracy, modding, homebrew, hacking, publishing 
personal information like real names / addresses / emails / passwords / bank data, discussions about politics, religion etc.

No harassment
 This includes (but is not limited to): Personal attacks, offensive language, cursing, trolling, racism, sexism, homophobia, hate speech, flaming / flame wars, witch hunting etc.

No spamming
This includes (but is not limited to): Excessive messaging instead of writing 
 the whole idea in just one post, walls of text, caps lock, overusing emojis or reactions,, Ascii etc.

No argument baiting. This refers to topics / events prone to spark unhealthy discussion / general discomfort. 

Keep the conversations in English or use other intended channels for your language.

Use the right channels for the topic you wish to discuss (no off topic)

Advertisement without permission is strictly forbidden.